I can't give any details about my dress, because my fiancee reads my blog :) but you will love it! I'm getting SO DANG EXCITED about everything!!!
Thanks everyone for all your love and support!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
post Christmas
I can't believe Christmas is over. It sure can and went this year. Nothing too exciting. But I did get to have a few days off from work and spend time with most of my siblings at my parents house. :) Which is always nice.
But I have starting to stress out a little bit with Jan coming, because once January hits the months will just fly by and I'll blink and be married!! I'm also stressing out because I have to get braces before I get married and Mike had to go home to Kentucky for the semester and I don't live near my mom to plan the wedding, so I stressing out just a little bit.
But I'm just thankful I have a wonderful family and sweet friends to help me and the greatest, bestest, hottest, sweetest, smartest, creativest, caringest, loveliest, FIANCEE EVER!!!!!
P.S. I know all of those words aren't real words haha ;)
I love you babe! I can't wait for Aug!
But I have starting to stress out a little bit with Jan coming, because once January hits the months will just fly by and I'll blink and be married!! I'm also stressing out because I have to get braces before I get married and Mike had to go home to Kentucky for the semester and I don't live near my mom to plan the wedding, so I stressing out just a little bit.
But I'm just thankful I have a wonderful family and sweet friends to help me and the greatest, bestest, hottest, sweetest, smartest, creativest, caringest, loveliest, FIANCEE EVER!!!!!
P.S. I know all of those words aren't real words haha ;)
I love you babe! I can't wait for Aug!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Dec. misc. 2012
For Thanksgiving Mike and I drove up to WA to be with his family.
All the ladies in his family go shopping for Black Friday deals and love it! They take their time and enjoy each others company and just shop, to try to get it all done in one day. During our 17 hour shopping day (5:30am to 10pm), we stop to eat lunch and dinner and drop off gifts at his aunts house before we make the venture north to Lyden, WA to look in small shops and window shop, all on our way up further north to the one and only Canada! :) It's such a blast!! Yes it's a long day but it goes by fast and it's fun to hang out with these ladies (soon to be family members) and chit chat and laugh...and create memories :) Like smuggling Mike's mom in Canada both ways LOL
Windmill in Lyden, WA
The streets of small town Lyden, WA
For Thanksgiving we met up with a few friends and walked the street(s) of Pike Place Market, but that was also the day I had no luggage because Mike had forgot it at his aunts house up north, so we had to 'shop' at walmart for some pants and I pretty much looked like a scuz but it's the small things in life that you can laugh about and make memories of :) Thank babe :p When we left Pike Place Market we realized we didn't take a picture of us four or even us two so we hurried and took a fe pictures before we got back in the car. (what you don't know is that Pike Place Market is right behind us around this building....)
I had cleaned Mike's car trunk out so we could pack the car and drive to WA for Thanksgiving. He had a large load of clothes, which were VERy dirty, so I washed them for him. When we got back from WA after a few days he realized he didn't have clean loungish pants, so he grabbed a pair from the clothes I washed and came walking out of his room saying "umm I think I don't fit in these clothes anymore. I think these fit me a few pounds ago" LOL LOL LOL His roommate Pat and I rolled over laughing on the floor for about an hour. I had to hurry and get my camera out before he changed. Mike was trying to run away and change but Pat and I make him let us take a picture, that is why it's so blurry LOL LOL !!!! It was HILARIOUS!!
The day we were moving Mike out of his apartment it was lightly snowing outside. We were standing outside talking after we had got him all moved out and we were deciding where to go eat or something. All of a sudden he said looked at me strangely. Said, "don't' move". I said, "oooookaaayyyyy". He asked where the camera was, mentioned it was in my purse. He climbed in my car looked for the camera in my purse while I was standing statute still outside in the cold. Of course he couldn't find it, so he handed me my purse and I grabbed it right out. I still don't know what he is trying to do. I still am standing still. he then takes a picture of my hair and shows me,...the PERFECT snowflake!! It looks so awesome!! good eye babe! ;)
My fun, loving, smart, cute, Primary CTR 5 class
Don't mind my pal Bryce trying to mess up our pictures and cover Jaicee's face and my face...But I sure do LOVE them to DEATH!!! :)
That's better :)
Bryce giving me hugs and then running his fingers through my hair :)
I'm going to miss this class SOOOO MUCH!!!
Live Nativity in Ucon, ID
It was so windy and cold, but we just had to pet Ralphi the camel and take a picture :)
What a great way to enjoy this time of year and remember Thee and all that He has done for us! :)
Happy birthday Mike! Surprise! :)
I love surprising Mike and keeping him on his toes ;)
This year my friend Brittany and I decorated his apartment door and his car for his 26th birthday at about 2am. We had a blast! It worked out because his birthday was on a monday so I spent the night at Brittany's because I work in Rexburg on Monday's and because I threw him a Surprise party after FHE, so he had no idea :) It was perfect!
His surprise party
Mike talking to his good friend/old roommate VH
opening gifts...
Mike loves Seattle Seahawks (he is from Seattle)...
His BEST friend Adam (in the background) drove all the way from Seattle and surprised him and was so generous and brought a few gifts! :) Thank you Adam
Candy grams are so fun to make :)
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Halloween 2012
This year I have been really bad about keeping up on my blog. I go about three months and then I overwhelm myself with post after post of all the 'stuff' I have been up to. I love taking pictures and seeing and doing new things, but I have been SO bad about keeping others informed about my life; wait why do I need to 'make sure people know about my life??' weird, yes, I know. Whatever! Blogs are fun and I like sharing my life with those who care to read my blog and keep informed of my silly life haha.
So here is Halloween (told you I was behind)...
My best friend Brainne purchased a beautiful piece of land and hosts many community events...
My best friend Brianne and her mom :)
Roll it out....
Roll out your donuts with the 'magic' roller....

Fry them...

And enjoy!!
So here is Halloween (told you I was behind)...
My best friend Brainne purchased a beautiful piece of land and hosts many community events...
My best friend Brianne and her mom :)
Best friends since we were 7 years old :)
While I was visiting my best friend my wonderful mother was at home doing what she loves; cooking while visiting with friends; making homemade donuts!! (The sunday before Halloween)....
First let the dough rise in the mixer...
Roll out your donuts with the 'magic' roller....
roll dozens out (about 6 batches)....
Fry them...
Frost them...
And enjoy!!
Just some of the people that came.
And then for Halloween night back in Idaho Falls, ID you make up a last minute trunk decoration for your trunk or treat
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
seriously, whoever the freakin' idiots and (bad words) are that hit mike's car in the parking lot and made it so he can't come see me/drive at all are so FLIPPIN' busted!! I'm SO ticked off at you.
oh wait i know who it was,...some dumb teenage kids who thought it was funny/didn't want to get in trouble who hit the car and ran away. well...let me tell you one thing. the cops are after you and he knows who you are. I hope they pay Mike $1,000 to get it fixed. haha.
He called me after work and said he would be to my house about the same time I would be after work. Then as i pulled up to my house Mike calls me and says umm i can't come to your house...someone hit my car. HAHA very funny. no I'm serious he said. you are totally joking. very funny. nice try. No really I'm totally serious, I went out to my car to get in and the kids ran away the I got in my car and noticed and heard bad noises, got out and it was all sorts of jacked up. The driver rear side was smashed in so much the metal is pushed in and touching the tire and I can't drive it. GRRRRRREEEEAT, I said. so needless to say I'm PRETTY TICKED off and want to beat those kids across the head so bad and teach them a lesson. oh I'm SO MAD!!!!
But Mike has called the police and his insurance and things are getting taken care of, BUT STILL!!! UGH!!!!
oh wait i know who it was,...some dumb teenage kids who thought it was funny/didn't want to get in trouble who hit the car and ran away. well...let me tell you one thing. the cops are after you and he knows who you are. I hope they pay Mike $1,000 to get it fixed. haha.
He called me after work and said he would be to my house about the same time I would be after work. Then as i pulled up to my house Mike calls me and says umm i can't come to your house...someone hit my car. HAHA very funny. no I'm serious he said. you are totally joking. very funny. nice try. No really I'm totally serious, I went out to my car to get in and the kids ran away the I got in my car and noticed and heard bad noises, got out and it was all sorts of jacked up. The driver rear side was smashed in so much the metal is pushed in and touching the tire and I can't drive it. GRRRRRREEEEAT, I said. so needless to say I'm PRETTY TICKED off and want to beat those kids across the head so bad and teach them a lesson. oh I'm SO MAD!!!!
But Mike has called the police and his insurance and things are getting taken care of, BUT STILL!!! UGH!!!!
Monday, December 10, 2012
patience is definitely a virtue.
I know we all suffer from this virtue. some more than others but we all suffer in some degree.
Some times I do better than other times, but it is one of my weaker points :( I'll admit it. but I hate to.
As I reflect on these past four years I can definitely say I have overcome some of my patience weakness.
I'm actually running out of patience as I sit here; here in the EE (electric engineering) floor in the Austin building on the BYU-Idaho campus. mike is studying with a few guys and wanted me to come along and sit next to him; which I very much love and enjoy!! But it's 8:45pm and I have been here for more than an hour and I'm running out of things to google/look up/check etc. I love my babe to death but some times I just can't be around the same things as him for as long as him. ya know, ladies?? But I know he can't be around and do the same things as I love to do for as long as I love to do them. and sometimes I drag him along and he has patience with me, so I am being tested with my patience a little bit tonight.
But it's days like today that make me smile and SOO happy! Let me explain:...
Last night as I was 'packing' up my change of clothes for tonight, I decided to wear something comfortable and fun. I found my junkie, yet a little bit larger pants, a long sleeve shirt (because it's pretty darn cold here), and a short sleeve shirt to go over my long sleeve shirt. and I found a special short sleeve shirt to wear :) I also had an idea for dinner (something he keeps talking about that he has wanted to try for a few months now). I had it all planned out. Monday was going to be a great day and Mike was going to Love me ;)
Well I woke up to SLICK roads. Had to scRApe my windows. Had to drive about 30mph to get to the high way from my house. which put me behind by about 5 min. Next, I get on the highway and....SLICK. Crap I think in my head. I'm screwed. I'm going to be SO late for work. I keep driving and figure out real fast that it's still pretty slick. oh well, being safe and late for work is better than being on time for work and/or dying. I keep driving and see two slides off. I decided it's way too slick to try to hurry for work. I'll just drive safe and arrive late. I called the Dr. to let him know and he agreed. After I drive for about 7 more min the road is pretty dry and I can cruise all the way to work. And what do you know....I'm only 10 min late. not bad for going about 45mph on the highway (speed limit 65mph).
Work was crazy busy but not too bad to make my cranky. haha
After work I got dressed, and went to Mike's house to pick him up to take him to dinner :) I told him where we were going and he agreed. But before I put on my coat I showed him what I was wearing (a shirt he bought me about two years ago that has a lot of super heroes on it that says "I only date super heroes"). He looked at it, read it and got a huge grin and surprised look on his face; a face I've never seen before and he gave me the biggest hug and kissed me!! I smiled SO big as well!: ) It made my long crazy day at work so worth it!! I just love this man!: ) I said I love how you were so happy and excited that I'm wearing this shirt. he said back, "It makes me happy to see that you are wearing clothes/things I have given you." He bought it at the BYU-I bookstore about two years ago. It's a little too big but it's cute and I like it :) he did pretty good.
Let me just set up this next short story: at the beginning of this semester there was a street fair in Rexburg that we went to and got a bag full of coupons from businesses from around town. There is a new joint called DogHouse. Hotdog trailer on the street. There were two buy one get ones. and since he had suggested we try it several times and last week I found all these coupons and decided we should try it since I had coupons, haha, oh no I'm turning into my mother! haha. any who...we ordered our buy one get one. Mike ordered a hot dog inside a maple bar (Yes you read it right, a hot dog in a maple donut). so here is how it is: hot dog bun on the bottom, hotdog in the middle with bacon, and the maple bar on top, as the top of your bun (sorry, I should of taken a picture). But hey if you live in Rexburg, you should try it!! I'm not a hotdog person and I'm not a donut person, especially maple bars, yuck! But let me tell you this hotdog/donut was PRETTY good!!
So today, I made Mike smile, with the biggest smile I have ever seen from him. I got/let him eat a dinner of champions (for a guy at least). And I got to sit next to Mike while he studied, and while I got to update my blog and browse the internet for two hours. nothing better.
At the end of the day, I won! :)
I know we all suffer from this virtue. some more than others but we all suffer in some degree.
Some times I do better than other times, but it is one of my weaker points :( I'll admit it. but I hate to.
As I reflect on these past four years I can definitely say I have overcome some of my patience weakness.
I'm actually running out of patience as I sit here; here in the EE (electric engineering) floor in the Austin building on the BYU-Idaho campus. mike is studying with a few guys and wanted me to come along and sit next to him; which I very much love and enjoy!! But it's 8:45pm and I have been here for more than an hour and I'm running out of things to google/look up/check etc. I love my babe to death but some times I just can't be around the same things as him for as long as him. ya know, ladies?? But I know he can't be around and do the same things as I love to do for as long as I love to do them. and sometimes I drag him along and he has patience with me, so I am being tested with my patience a little bit tonight.
But it's days like today that make me smile and SOO happy! Let me explain:...
Last night as I was 'packing' up my change of clothes for tonight, I decided to wear something comfortable and fun. I found my junkie, yet a little bit larger pants, a long sleeve shirt (because it's pretty darn cold here), and a short sleeve shirt to go over my long sleeve shirt. and I found a special short sleeve shirt to wear :) I also had an idea for dinner (something he keeps talking about that he has wanted to try for a few months now). I had it all planned out. Monday was going to be a great day and Mike was going to Love me ;)
Well I woke up to SLICK roads. Had to scRApe my windows. Had to drive about 30mph to get to the high way from my house. which put me behind by about 5 min. Next, I get on the highway and....SLICK. Crap I think in my head. I'm screwed. I'm going to be SO late for work. I keep driving and figure out real fast that it's still pretty slick. oh well, being safe and late for work is better than being on time for work and/or dying. I keep driving and see two slides off. I decided it's way too slick to try to hurry for work. I'll just drive safe and arrive late. I called the Dr. to let him know and he agreed. After I drive for about 7 more min the road is pretty dry and I can cruise all the way to work. And what do you know....I'm only 10 min late. not bad for going about 45mph on the highway (speed limit 65mph).
Work was crazy busy but not too bad to make my cranky. haha
After work I got dressed, and went to Mike's house to pick him up to take him to dinner :) I told him where we were going and he agreed. But before I put on my coat I showed him what I was wearing (a shirt he bought me about two years ago that has a lot of super heroes on it that says "I only date super heroes"). He looked at it, read it and got a huge grin and surprised look on his face; a face I've never seen before and he gave me the biggest hug and kissed me!! I smiled SO big as well!: ) It made my long crazy day at work so worth it!! I just love this man!: ) I said I love how you were so happy and excited that I'm wearing this shirt. he said back, "It makes me happy to see that you are wearing clothes/things I have given you." He bought it at the BYU-I bookstore about two years ago. It's a little too big but it's cute and I like it :) he did pretty good.
Let me just set up this next short story: at the beginning of this semester there was a street fair in Rexburg that we went to and got a bag full of coupons from businesses from around town. There is a new joint called DogHouse. Hotdog trailer on the street. There were two buy one get ones. and since he had suggested we try it several times and last week I found all these coupons and decided we should try it since I had coupons, haha, oh no I'm turning into my mother! haha. any who...we ordered our buy one get one. Mike ordered a hot dog inside a maple bar (Yes you read it right, a hot dog in a maple donut). so here is how it is: hot dog bun on the bottom, hotdog in the middle with bacon, and the maple bar on top, as the top of your bun (sorry, I should of taken a picture). But hey if you live in Rexburg, you should try it!! I'm not a hotdog person and I'm not a donut person, especially maple bars, yuck! But let me tell you this hotdog/donut was PRETTY good!!
So today, I made Mike smile, with the biggest smile I have ever seen from him. I got/let him eat a dinner of champions (for a guy at least). And I got to sit next to Mike while he studied, and while I got to update my blog and browse the internet for two hours. nothing better.
At the end of the day, I won! :)
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
babe :)
I love laughing with you :) I love it when you make me laugh and I love it when you make yourself laugh. I especially love it when I make you laugh! :) I feel so good about myself when I can make you laugh so hard. Like when your phone drops and you say to me, "look at you throwing your phone on the ground". And I look at you then look and the ground, then look back at you and say, "um that is your phone" and you say "uh that's embarrassing." LOL
Or when you accidentally bite my mouth trying to kiss me.
Or when I'm going in for a kiss, but you decide it will be funny to blow air at my face.
Or when I tell you you are spoiled and you say.... I know ;)
I also love it when you have to track me down in 'downtown' Rexburg to pick me up so I don't have to walk home from work.
Or when you eat every meal I make and tell me I'm a good cook.
I really love it when you tell me your roommates love my cooking :)
Or when you tell me I'm beautiful :)
Or when you whistle at me when I walk in front of you.
I love it when you come over to help me decorate my Christmas tree.
or when you show up with new ornaments for my tree :)
or when you listen to my stories, and like and laugh at my stories.
I love it when you give me girl time.
or when you let me sleep while you drive from WA to ID.
or when you whistle at me and I think it's the garbage man at the rest stop. haha
I love it when you leave my luggage in Bellingham, WA
or when you buy me new clothes and toiletries from Walmart to make up for it.
or when you let me wear an outfit such as: a nice peacoat, a nice dress sweater, blue capri lounge pants, blue rain boots, and no make up and STILL tell me i'm beautiful! :)
I love you babe. I love everything about you! ;)
You owe me dinner ;)
I love laughing with you :) I love it when you make me laugh and I love it when you make yourself laugh. I especially love it when I make you laugh! :) I feel so good about myself when I can make you laugh so hard. Like when your phone drops and you say to me, "look at you throwing your phone on the ground". And I look at you then look and the ground, then look back at you and say, "um that is your phone" and you say "uh that's embarrassing." LOL
Or when you accidentally bite my mouth trying to kiss me.
Or when I'm going in for a kiss, but you decide it will be funny to blow air at my face.
Or when I tell you you are spoiled and you say.... I know ;)
I also love it when you have to track me down in 'downtown' Rexburg to pick me up so I don't have to walk home from work.
Or when you eat every meal I make and tell me I'm a good cook.
I really love it when you tell me your roommates love my cooking :)
Or when you tell me I'm beautiful :)
Or when you whistle at me when I walk in front of you.
I love it when you come over to help me decorate my Christmas tree.
or when you show up with new ornaments for my tree :)
or when you listen to my stories, and like and laugh at my stories.
I love it when you give me girl time.
or when you let me sleep while you drive from WA to ID.
or when you whistle at me and I think it's the garbage man at the rest stop. haha
I love it when you leave my luggage in Bellingham, WA
or when you buy me new clothes and toiletries from Walmart to make up for it.
or when you let me wear an outfit such as: a nice peacoat, a nice dress sweater, blue capri lounge pants, blue rain boots, and no make up and STILL tell me i'm beautiful! :)
I love you babe. I love everything about you! ;)
You owe me dinner ;)
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Oct. '12
I have a few pictures!!!
Bare with me as they might be a little out of order. But none the less it's still pictures and i'll feel better that I have updated my blog.
Mike and I were driving and saw this on the car in front of us and we were arguing if it was a chip on the car or if they really placed Africa on their car.
I say they meant to. He obviously said they opposite: that it was a chip that just so happened to be the shape of Africa.
What do you think?!?!
Good Morning on a wonderful thursday in Idaho Falls in October!
I hate snow before 'the' holidays
My friend Brittany and I went and enjoyed the temple together the other night
Boise Temple Open House
Bare with me as they might be a little out of order. But none the less it's still pictures and i'll feel better that I have updated my blog.
Mike and I were driving and saw this on the car in front of us and we were arguing if it was a chip on the car or if they really placed Africa on their car.
I say they meant to. He obviously said they opposite: that it was a chip that just so happened to be the shape of Africa.
What do you think?!?!
Mike and I found a street in Idaho Falls that had benches made from local artists. This one was our favorite.
Good Morning on a wonderful thursday in Idaho Falls in October!
I hate snow before 'the' holidays
My friend Brittany and I went and enjoyed the temple together the other night
Boise Temple Open House
I LOVE the temple!
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