Just when things could happen so perfect something else gets in your way that is more important that you have to tend to, so that 'most important' thing you were going to do has to be put on the back burner. oh Life.
Just when I get my taxes back knowing exactly what I was going to spend that money on, car problems/fix-its come up, and of course cost more than you thought and they take up your tax return, therefore other things have to wait. oh joy. life gets in your way sometimes.
And just when you get things organized things decide to crash; yep my computer crashed. So now I get to decide if I want to get a new laptop, Ipad, or kindle/nook. What would you get? again tax return gets to go towards that too. oh boy oh boy. so now sadly there is no money left for that one thing I was going to treat myself with; my very own bike! :(
Lately it seems like every fireside, RS meeting, or other large gathering I have been to has had a theme. It's been a good theme. But it's also been a thought pondering theme. I hope I can take those lessons and apply them to my life this year. So it makes me wonder if this conference might have that same theme. or maybe its just a theme for me. feeling a little uneasy about listening to it, not sure I'm ready to hear it. but, like always, its what you/we/I need to hear.
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