Thursday, May 2, 2013


I love being married!

My wedding day was absolutely perfect! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect better day :)  
Also thanks for such a wonderful photographer to catch some wonderful moments and pictures :) 
check out some of our pictures on this blog:

I posted this the day before my surprise honeymoon destination:

Married life is amazing!!! :)
Our wedding day was perfect; perfect weather, perfectly sunny, perfect ceremony, perfect in every way.
We are so thankful for all the family and friends that made the sacrifice to come to our wedding and celebrate and support us. We are couldn't have asked for a better wedding.
My sister and my parents planned two very wonderful, amazing receptions (along with many friends), we loved everything about them! Perfect!
I have to also thank my wonderful friends who helped me look gorgeous in my gown.
I love being married am so blessed and thankful for such a Perfect day!!

We are now on our way to our honeymoon, heading first to LA, then making our way to the surprise destination! :) I can't wait!!

We love everyone and again thank you for all the love and support!

love Mike and Lanae Duke xoxo

The surprise destination will be revealed (if you don't already know) in a few days when I can download our pictures :)

Check out the few pictures we have from our wedding on facebook and let me know what you think!!

love the Dukes!!! ;)

1 comment:

cierra27us said...

AHHHHH!!!!! I don't know yet!!! I can't wait to find out!