Saturday, February 4, 2012


So tax season is upon us, and I always dread doing my taxes. And wish I could claim more people and things to get WAY more money back, but I guess I can't complain too much; at least I don't have to PAY taxes.
So Turbo tax; fast, easy, free, get more money back, etc. etc. right?! not with my luck! stupid thing!
It wanted to charge me an extra $29.95, so some crazy total of about $57.92, but wait I thought it was FREE?? I was pretty upset so I found their number on the website and waited on the phone for about 25-30 minutes to talk to some girl with a southern accent that spoke fast and said "ok" in every sentence. annoying. THEN when I finally got the answer I needed out of her, the phone call got disconnected!! Told you, just my luck; no good luck ever for me!
I'm not sure if I will be using turbo tax again, BUT it did give me extra money I otherwise would not have gotten back, but not a ton to make that much of a difference.
I swear I have the worst luck in the world! I never find amazing deals!! :(

Needless to say I finished my taxes and I sure hope I get back what it told me I would be getting. My luck I won't. This year has already started out crappy.

Happy taxes everyone! Hope your luck is better than mine!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

oh my devil i love turbo tax! we should have had a tax party together! :(