Happy Thanksgiving! Our family had so much fun!! Stewart and Danyiel came wednesday night and they brought Bryant and Kayelynn, so they had a sleepover with Aunt Nae!! Well they started on the hid a bed down stairs but last minute Kayelynn wanted to sleep with me in my bed! Thursday Terressa and Jake came and the fun "began"/continued!! Thursday morning Danyiel and Kayelynn had a makeover session! Danyiel painted her nails, curled her hair, put make-up on; mascara and all, kayelynn had to most of it herself...but a tragedy happened...Kayelynn reached up to touch her curly hair while it was still getting curled and grabbed the curling iron. All is well, but she was sad (see below). Friday it was shopping day! It was daddy daughter day...we went to the mall, toy r us, other mothers...it was fun to spend time with dad and my sister, no kids...nothing!! Then we all came home and had a bonfire with hotdogs and smores! We loved it! Saturday we helped mom and dad finish a few shores around the house; the main one we spread bark in the flower beds in our 'park' in the back yard. As you can see the kids had fun and even helped! Saturday night we all went cosmic bowling! It was sooo fun! Kayelynn loved to scream at the top of her lungs in joy whenever anyone knocked down any amount of pins! she is definitely our girl in the family! We had a wonderful time as a family; since we won't all be together for Christmas this year. It was a good break for everyone! I have lots of pictures, but of course I couldn't post ALL of them...so here a few to tell the stories... :)

The first night the kids were there they helped make dinner! They love to help cook. They are quite the chefs!

Bryant putting meatballs in every tin foil dinner.


Chefs in the making!

Kayelynn then helped grandma make rolls for thanksgiving

Look at those muscles!

The sleepover down stairs...

Kayelynn watching very closely to make sure Danyiel doesn't mess up...

So Kayelynn didn't let the second foot dry all the way before she started to play, so she fixed it herself! It looks beautiful Kayelynn!

Kayelynn...all dolled up!

Danyiel curling her hair

icing her fingers after she got burned

so dad doesn't like his picture getting taken...the camera was too slow...but i got him charging me...

check out her hair clip; a twisty tie...mom is our recycle queen!

check out sarah's hair clip; a clothes line clip!

So Terressa was not around, again,...so we "spoiled" Lydia...

All the kids wanted to do my hair...sarah was very gentle, soft and serious brushing my hair. the other two just wanted to put the bobby pins and hair clips in my hair...

Jake and Bryant at the bonfire

dad stood still for this picture...he's getting used to the paparazzi

The others at the bonfire friday night!

While Terressa was out of the room, again, dad, stewart, mom and I were having fun with Lydia. We put a match in her mouth...this was a good picture... (it was dad's idea to put the match in her mouth!!) (the littlest one always gets picked on the most...)

Bryant attempting to help...they loved playing in the leaves!

Bryant and Kayelynn playing in the leaves! :)

Stewart and Bryant playing with Kayelynn! You are supposed to be throwing the leaves away, not the kids!!

We didn't have a coat sarah's size...so she wore my old coat. It was like a dress on her! It was so funny!

Jake giving Kayelynn a ride in the wheelbarrow...get back to work everyone, no more playing! Jeepers!

Spreading the bark in the flower bed. The kids had gone inside by now but Kayelynn came back out and wanted to help; in her dress and sandals...:)

Cosmic bowling with the kids!! Sarah did awesome!

Kayelynn bowling...sassy bowler