Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One thing on my mind

There is only ONE thing I want! And if you know me well you know EXACTLY what that is!!
and well, this one thing, and one 'dream' is coming true!! I just got the news Sunday night, and as of last night it is actually feeling real!
I only have to wait a few more days (hopefully) and I will be the HaPPiesT girl ever!!
It's hard to know how this adventure is really going, as the power is out on this One thing. So patience is all I have to go by, but again, there is only ONE thing on my mind and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

yes it's real. it's living. it's hoTT! it's yummy. it's my passion. it's my life.



Jessie said...

ooooh, I hope it is what I think it is! So good to see you a few weeks ago! :)

Nae said...

SO good to see you too Jessie!
thanks for following my blog! I think you are the only one who reads and comments on it! Thanks! :)